The Art World is the Whole World

Today I’ve got some awesome art to share.
First up is Peter Gric. His hand painted masterpieces will blow your mind. “Cortex” is one of my favorites. Some of his work seems directly influenced by H.R. Geiger, but I think the imaginary landscapes are his best work. Don’t miss this video.

Where Peter Gric is a master of the brush, Werner Hornung is a master of the pixel. Ironically, Hornung’s website is dismal, especially next to Gric’s, but the digital images he creates are amazing. I like “Going Through Life with a One Way Ticket” the best. The composition and the colors convey a sense of motion with the stages of life depicted as a moving circle.

And now for great art by my buddies.

I’ve watched Matt Morcher go from tagging around town to painting colorslposions on canvas. Recently he successfully morphed into a new style still rooted in color, like Jackson Pollock but more intentional.

Another artist whose growth from hobbyist to professional I’ve been privileged to witness is Tyler Ristow, or Pharo if he’s making music. Tyler creates unbelievable visionary landscapes and sometimes creates his masterpieces at live music shows.

For the full treatment, check Tyler on Facebook.

Hope y’all enjoy the art and I encourage everyone to go to a museum, scour the web, seek out amazing art.
Life is better with art.

Future Art

I grew up in a land without the Internets or cell phones. Sure, TVs were ubiquitous, but we still had land lines and monochrome. I never could have imagined where we are today. I’m writing this on my phone on my front patio. The only time I need a wire is to charge the battery and I get Retina quality colors. So I forgive myself for not seeing the possibilities for art in this digital age. I’ve been using 21st century technology, with a 20th century mindset. What has this technology done to our brains, our evolution, our culture? How can our art reflect this change?
Now, I can’t really remember how we managed to survive in a wired world. If I had to rely on a home phone and an answering machine I would never see anyone unless by chance. We have evolved as the tech has evolved. Then I couldn’t imagine now, now I can’t imagine then.

Check out this article about the future of art.